A Few Words About Zinc

A Few Words About Zinc

Zinc is an essential trace mineral known for its ability to aid wound healing and boost immune system function.  But recent research suggests that it may also play a role in protecting your body’s largest organ – your skin – from UV damage.

Most experts agree that in order to maintain a youthful appearance, protecting your skin from the sun is important, since ultraviolet (UV) light breaks down the extracellular matrix between your cells and accelerates the aging process. Of course, we also realize that a certain amount of sunlight is necessary to have healthy levels of vitamin D.  

[The current recommendation is that people should aim to get between ten to thirty minutes of midday sunlight, several times per week.  In life, the important thing is to find the right amount for you.  People with darker skin may need more exposure.  Fair-skinned people are typically more sensitive to sunlight.  The key is to be certain you don’t burn. ]

Just as with establishing how much sunlight is healthy, with respect to zinc, it is also important to establish what is your optimal level.

Research published in the Journal of Nutrition found that a zinc deficiency in rats led to deterioration of DNA repair following damage caused by free radicals.  Too many free radicals can accelerate the aging process.

We understand that findings in rats, don’t necessarily correlate to similar results in humans, but it does warrant further study.  Particularly since a review published in Pathobiology of Aging & Age-Related Diseases concluded that, while the current evidence regarding zinc’s efficacy in this regard is limited, what data is available looks promising.

Just as a deficiency of zinc can lead to health problems, so too can an excess of zinc.  The most common effects being nausea, vomiting, stomachache, diarrhea, and headaches.  Taken over a long period of time, these can extend to creating low levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), also known as “good” cholesterol, or to copper deficiency, and even to decreased immune function. 

Interestingly, denture creams containing zinc had been blamed as being a hidden source of excessive and chronic zinc consumption for scores of denture wearers. Patients were reporting zinc poisoning which included the aforementioned copper deficiency in addition to permanent nerve damage, as a consequence.    As of 2010, both major manufacturers of these adhesives, Procter & Gamble – makers of Fixodent, and GlaxoSmithKline – the makers of Poligrip – removed zinc from their formulas.

So how much zinc is safe?  The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recommends that adults should not exceed more than 40mg of zinc per day.  For infants under six months of age zinc consumption shouldn’t exceed 4 mg per day.  You can find the NIH consumer fact sheet by clicking HERE.

Apart from protecting your immune system by fighting off harmful cells, zinc is also thought to be beneficial for treating acne.  Its use is actually one of the most widely studied forms of acne treatment.

All things considered, zinc is a nutrient that people need to remain healthy.  Zinc is found in cells throughout our bodies because this trace mineral is required to make proteins and DNA – the genetic material in all cells.  Plus zinc helps your immune system by fighting off invading bacteria and viruses.  So, if you are not already getting enough zinc in your diet, you can find some healthful sources by clicking below.

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The Anti Anti-Aging Herb

The Anti Anti-Aging Herb

People have been looking for methods to feel youthful and look younger for ages.

In this quest, some people will focus on beauty items that make claims about magical results that come from consuming the special anti-aging ingredients found in their products.  Others will focus on their diet, drink lots of water, and eat the “right” vegetables while staying away from certain other foods that create toxins in the body that can age you.  And still others will focus on the benefits of different types of exercises, while working out with weights and other equipment.  I’m sure there are some out there that use a combination or all of the above – and possibly even more methods to preserve their young looks and stamina.

However, how many of these people have been encouraged and convinced to believe that the use of marijuana, whether recreational or medicinal, is actually beneficial for them?  It’s an herb, right?  So it’s “natural” and how could it possibly hurt?

The truth is that marijuana is actually extremely AGING to a person and their body!  The residues from its use stay in the body for years to come, and this can also result in a person re-experiencing being high when they really don’t want to be (for example while driving or when working to meet a deadline).  Factually, the marijuana that is grown today, has been genetically modified to contain much more THC, Tetrahydrocannabinol, (the active mind-altering ingredient) than would be considered “normal”.  A recent study used brain imaging equipment to observe and document what happens to the brain while marijuana is smoked.  It was found that the consumption of marijuana actually kills brain cells in quantity, while the person is smoking it!!!

Now, to anyone with intelligence, except possibly those who have already suffered a reduction of IQ resulting from their regular consumption of marijuana, it should be pretty obvious that the killing of brain cells is virtually synonymous with the aging process!  So, it seems particularly counter-intuitive that anyone concerned about staying young and interested in slowing or reversing the aging process would start to, or continue to use, marijuana for ANY purpose.

What do you think?

For more information about the effects of using marijuana, please click on the link below:


Anti-Aging Breakthrough

Anti-Aging Breakthrough

Below, you will find a special message from our friend Al Sears, MD. He has some important information to share with you.

America’s #1 Anti-Aging Pioneer Dr. Al Sears, M.D. Reveals…

The Biggest Health Breakthrough Since the Discovery of Penicillin

Dear Friend,

72 years ago, the world’s first “miracle drug” came to market.

It could cure severe and potentially fatal diseases.

Diseases like strep throat, pneumonia, and staph infection.

For the first time, we didn’t have to worry about dying from minor infections.

It was the single greatest medical discovery in modern history.

A landmark event that not only kicked off modern medicine as we know it…

But singlehandedly…

  • Expanded human life expectancy by as much as 27 years.
  • Allowed us to live normal lives, with no worry of common infections, minor scrapes or cuts, and even some deadly infectious diseases.
  • And even helped the Allies win the war against Nazi Germany.

Odds are, your parents or grandparents owe their lives to this “Wonder Drug.”

One medical historian even calls it a “turning point in human history.”

Of course, I’m talking about penicillin – indisputably the most important medical innovation of the 20th century.

But there was one big problem with this monumental discovery.

It accidentally spun off a handful of all-powerful pharmaceutical companies.

A dangerous cartel we know today as “Big Pharma.”

This small group of firms piggy-backed on the original invention of penicillin – without funding the research. They altered and patented various strains. And using clever marketing, they grabbed $1.2 trillion out of your pocket – without curing anything.

And the consequences for our health have been nothing short of disastrous.

Right now, instead of finding cures or preventions, Big Pharma develops drugs to profitably manage the symptoms of disease.

In other words, it’s NOT in their financial interest to find real cures. Natural cures they can’t patent. Cures that would cut off their profits.

1.2 Trillion Reasons Why
Big Pharma Will Fight This

Cancer alone is a $125 billion a year market, reports the National Cancer Institute. And it’s projected to grow to $173 billion by 2020 – a 39% jump.

All told, the drug industry is now a $1.2 trillion market.

Do you honestly think companies like Pfizer would lose all this money without a fight?

I don’t think so. And I doubt you do either.

The “Wonder Drug” That Helped Win the War

Produced in 1942, penicillin was at first only made available to Allied soldiers.

It’s effects on the war effort were dramatic. Some estimate it saved 1 out of every 7 wounded troops.

It also allowed more soldiers to fight, since it cured common ailments like staph infection, strep throat, and pneumonia.

In short, penicillin gave the Allies a healthier fighting force – a key, yet underestimated asset in war.

And this gave the Allies a decisive advantage against the Nazis.

A natural cure for chronic diseases would shut off all that cash instantly.

It makes sense, right? A cure is one-time deal. It could never amount to the consistent revenue of lifelong refills for prescription drugs.

And if it’s natural, Big Pharma can’t patent it.

That’s why they actively block the science and research for natural cures.

It’s why they spend $180 million annually on lobbyists to push through legislation on their behalf.

And it’s why they leverage their control over the FDA to guarantee no disease-curing drug gets to market.

If even one slipped through, it would dry up their cash flow and put their entire industry at risk.

But here’s the good news.

That’s exactly what’s happening RIGHT NOW.

And that’s why I’m writing to you today.

Over the next few minutes, I’m going to reveal a recent disease-fighting development – the biggest since penicillin – one that could but Big Pharma out of business forever.

It could bring their $1.2 trillion profit machine crashing down.

It could even topple the FDA.

It’s a story that directly impacts your personal health, and the health of your family.

Just imagine how this new discovery might unfold…

  • Life-saving medications, once unaffordable, now available for pennies on the dollar.
  • Natural therapies, once outlawed because they violated patent rights, now legal again.
  • Research on these cures, once blocked and obstructed, receiving the funding they deserve.
  • And dangerous drugs, once tested on the public like lab rats, being exposed for the killers they are.

But the implications for this discovery are even more exciting.

We’re Still Paying With Our Lives For This “Original Sin”

Before the invention of penicillin, there was no Big Pharma to speak of. Hundreds of small mom-and-pop companies existed and competed for market share.

But during World War II, government researchers found a way to produce large quantities of penicillin. This was the final breakthrough.

Uncle Sam, interested in using the new drug to save our wounded soldiers, selected 20 firms to bring it to market. These firms were nothing special. They had no special labs or technologies. They funded none of the research. But they did have ONE big thing: Political connections.

This was the first marriage of Big Pharma and Big Brother. The same marriage that exists today. One that allows the drug industry to run wild at the expense of your health. It’s their “license to kill.”

And it’s this marriage that handed them a decisive advantage once the war was over. When penicillin went public, the drug companies threw public interest under the bus and started raking in the real profits.

These firms developed slight variations of the original penicillin and patented their versions. And this led to competing forms of antibiotics, many of which were priced so high, the average American couldn’t afford them.

That’s how these same 20 firms dominated 80% of the pharmaceutical industry’s sales – with antibiotics supplying the bulk of their revenue. Their disadvantaged competitors rapidly died out. And they’ve maintained their stranglehold on power ever since.

Introducing the Nobel Prize-Winning
Solution for ALL Disease

It began when team of molecular biologists recently won the Nobel Prize for this breakthrough.

They discovered a way to activate a “sleeping gene” inside your cells – one I call the “hTERT Code.”

In short, the hTERT Code makes it virtually impossible for any chronic disease to exist in your body.

And if you already have diseased cells, you can make them disappear as if they never existed at all.

Can you see how this could absolutely demolish the drug companies?

Once the hTERT Code goes mainstream, it could wipe out all disease. And disease is their trillion-dollar cash cow.

But these Nobel Prize winners aren’t the only ones who cracked its disease-fighting potential.

In fact…

Over 16,200 Independent Studies Confirm This Disease-Reversing Treatment

You can find these peer-reviewed studies on PubMed – the medical database which holds every reputable study ever conducted.

Over 1,000 of these studies show the hTERT Code could cure cancer.

But you won’t find a single one mentioned in the media because the media depends on Big Pharma for $27 billion in advertising.

And these aren’t obscure studies, either…

Scientists from prestigious institutions like Harvard and Stanford have conducted these studies on the hTERT Code.

And their conclusions are nothing short of astonishing.

Take Stanford neurobiologist Dr. Michael Fossel, MD, PhD, who estimates the hTERT Code could help push human lifespan as far as 200.

But there’s no reason we could stop there.

He adds: “We should be able to extend the human life span indefinitely.” What’s more, Fossel says the hTERT Code can, “postpone or prevent the onset of diseases associated with aging.”

Then there’s Yale molecular biologist Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn, Ph.D.

She recently led a team of University of California and Stanford researchers who, in a study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), found the hTERT Code could reverse Alzheimer’s.

Blackburn led the same group of University of California researchers to even more dramatic findings – results which were published in the prestigious Lancet Oncology.

In this breakthrough study, her team formed a specific protocol to access the hTERT Code.

They found the test group which followed this protocol managed to avoid a wide variety of age-related diseases, “including many forms of cancer, stroke, vascular dementia, cardiovascular disease, obesity, osteoporosis and diabetes.”

And Harvard graduate Dr. Dean Ornish, MD conducted a study on men with prostate cancer, also published in Lancet Oncology, which found the hTERT Code could lengthen their lifespan by 10%.

Dr. Ornish concludes, [the hTERT Code] could actually not only prevent but even reverse the most common chronic diseases, like heart disease, early-stage prostate cancer, Type 2 diabetes, etc.”

These are scientists with impeccable credentials, from top schools, with teams of researchers conducting controlled trials.

In short, much like penicillin, this discovery could expand our life expectancy and make so-called “incurable” chronic diseases a thing of the past.

But as great as that sounds, it’s only the tip of the iceberg.

In fact, the hTERT Code won’t just lengthen our health span, it will…

Start to REVERSE the So-Called
“Natural” Signs and Symptoms of Aging

In other words, it could be even BIGGER than the discovery of penicillin.

Just as penicillin eradicated once fatal infections we no longer even think of…

Cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and more could soon go extinct.

So could wrinkles, grey hair, and other so-called “natural” signs of aging.

Don’t just take my word for it.

Bill Andrews, PhD, a 32-year veteran biologist, pharmacologist, and renowned geneticist sums up the total potential of this discovery:

[The hTERT Code] could treat many diseases associated with human aging, extend human ‘health span’ and lifespan, and perhaps even reverse the aging process.”

Just imagine what this could do for you or your loved one…

  • Imagine formerly arthritis-riddled hands regaining their strength – now able to throw a football… fix a sink… or carry luggage on your own.
  • Imagine feeling youthful bursts of energy – all the time. Biking, hiking, and dancing without feeling out of breath or exhausted. And doing this without coffee, pills, or other stimulants.
  • And imagine blemishes, wrinkles, and bags fading and disappearing – looking in the mirror and seeing a more youthful face looking back at you.

Just imagine the independence and freedom this will give you. The restored sense of confidence. You’ll feel like you could take on the world all over again.

I know this sounds hard to believe. But up until World War II, few could imagine the immediate end of infectious disease. Why do you think everyone called penicillin the “miracle drug”?

It exceeded the imaginations of conventional science and medicine.

And this “miracle” breakthrough is NO different.

Only unlike penicillin, the drug industry can’t patent it.

That’s why it’s the one discovery that could end Big Pharma.

More importantly, it could help prevent, treat, and even reverse the most feared diseases of our time — 100% naturally and safely.

Years from now, we’ll look back at it as…

“The Watershed Moment
in the History of Medicine…”

You see, the discovery of the hTERT Code is just the beginning.

If it’s not available to the mass public — at a price ordinary people can afford — what good is it?

Well, that’s exactly why I’m talking to you today.

I’ve followed the development of the technology behind the hTERT Code since 1990. And up until recently, I was one of the only MD’s in the country licensed to administer this therapy to the public.

Now, I’ve pioneered a safe and proven way to activate these disease-killing genes in your body right now — without expensive therapies, doctor visits or interference from the FDA.

In short, I’m helping make this discovery accessible to the everyday American.

How huge is this?

Well, penicillin was actually discovered in 1928. But it didn’t change the world until it went to mass market 14 years later.

In other words, this could be the game-changing event of the 21st century.

This Technology is Growing and
Expanding at Break-Neck Speed

Every six months we’re finding newer and better ways of using this technology to reverse decades of aging and wipe out the threat of deadly chronic diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, heart disease and more.

In this letter, I’ll show you how one Harvard researcher used this technology to bring old mice “back from the brink of death.” This cure restored and revived their old, shrunken organs… literally turning them back into “mice youngsters” in a matter of weeks.

Next, I’ll show you how you can use this same technology to slow down the aging of your own body, and in many cases reverse the health concerns you may already be coping with.

Now, let me show you how this works.

Genetic Key Unlocks a Secret Inside Us
That Can Erase All Traces of Disease

You are born with, and still have, a dormant ability in a sleeping gene.

Inside this “sleeping gene” is the hTERT code.

When activated, this code can replace old, diseased cells with new, healthy cells.

Simply stated, that ability allows you to start the process of reversing virtually all chronic diseases like cancer, or allow you to reach 100-years-old without showing any signs of aging.

There is only one major obstacle.

This hTERT code inside the genes gets “turned off” while you’re still in your mother’s womb. But before I let the wind out of your sails I have to tell you this.

We have overcome this obstacle.

We have discovered a way to awaken this “sleeping saint.”

We now have a safe, proven, and inexpensive technology that reawakens this disease-cleansing gene.

Regardless of your family history or current state of health, these bits of DNA — when turned on — can replace any sick cells with younger disease-free cells.

The research to prove it is all there. It hasn’t been publicized but the discoveries have been made by some of the most famous and well-respected universities in the world.

Institutions like Harvard, the University of California at Berkeley and dozens of others have revealed the details of how it all works in prestigious journals like the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) and Nature. They’ve even recognized the researchers who made the discovery.

But the message that this discovery is able to REVERSE all disease isn’t getting through.

It’s as if an invisible hand “black listed” the topic and made it off limits to the mainstream media. Even as I write this, our lawyers for my Wellness Research Foundation warn that the FDA doesn’t want us to even talk about this.

But I’m going to blow the whistle on this one, and give you whole story right HERE, right NOW.

I want YOU to have the option of using this technology to heal, re-charge and re-energize you and your family.

Diane Sawyer Announces Results of Harvard
“Miracle Study”… But Leaves Out
the Most Critical Part

There it was. I thought the “cat was out of the bag”. I watched Diane Sawyer reading the nightly news on ABC, announcing to the world the results of a breakthrough Harvard study that made old mice young again.

At the beginning of this experiment the mice were old in every measurable feature. These mice had lost their intelligence. Every one of them had performed poorly on the standard memory tests like remembering their way out of a maze or where their food or water was. And, they all had atrophied or shrunken brains.

They had lost their desire for sexual activity and had become infertile. Their hair had changed from glossy and youthful to dull and gray. Their vision was dimming, with the same kind of loss of peripheral vision that we see in humans with age.

Not surprising considering the mice were the equivalent of humans in their 80s and 90s.

Then, as if by miracle, each and every one of these
signs of aging was completely reversed.

They became sexually potent again and the females actually became fertile and produced healthy offspring again – at the equivalent of a very elder age.

Not only did their intelligence come back, it reverted back to youthful. And the atrophy of the brain – the shrinkage – reversed. They grew back a normal, youthful functioning brain of a youthful, size, weight and structure.

Their hair became shiny and thick again. And their eyesight was restored.

All these miracles happened because Dr. Ronald DePinho, professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School and director of applied cancer science at the Boston-based Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, “reactivated a code” inside their cells.

Brain cells that were dormant came back to life, producing new neurons. Their shrunken organs, like their spleens and even their testes and brain, grew in size.

Key organs functioned better, and the mice got their sense of smell back. The males also produced new sperm cells, and their mates gave birth to larger litters.

The mice went on to live long healthy lives.[1]

After Dr. DePinho and his colleagues had taken mice and made them young again, he said the study produced results that were the equivalent of finding the famed “fountain of youth.”

But what Diane Sawyer NEVER mentioned was the FACT that you can trigger similar age-reversing changes in your own body RIGHT NOW, using nothing more than the right combination of natural nutrients.

Here’s how it works.

The Biggest Breakthrough Since Penicillin
Is Hiding in Your Own Cells

The “code” Dr. DePinho activated, is in a gene inside your cell’s DNA.

You see, at the end of each strand of DNA is a little bit of genetic material called a telomere (tee-lo-meer). The length of these telomeres determines how old or young your cells act.

As your cells divide, the telomeres get shorter, and your body produces cells that are older, weaker, and more decrepit.


It’s programmed old age, and everything that comes with it.

The shorter your telomeres, the “older” your cells and therefore your body acts, regardless of your actual age.

By slowing the loss of your telomeres, you may be able to extend your lifespan, and feel younger longer… and wipe out disease in the process.

But slowing the loss of your telomeres is just the first step.

To get the results Dr. DePinho achieved with the mice, you need to go one step further.

There’s a “code” in your cells that actually triggers your telomeres to regrow and get longer. And that’s how Dr. DePinho worked his magic.

This hTERT code “turns on” an enzyme called telomerase, (te-LOM-er-ace) and it programs your telomeres to get longer.

As I mentioned, this “code” is silenced and turned to the off position before you are born. But what we’ve discovered is a way to turn it back on and make your telomeres longer.

And when your telomeres get longer, you reactivate all the characteristics of youth.

That’s how the mice in the experiment were suddenly able to regrow their shrunken brains and restore their lost eyesight.

This, dear friend, is only the first part of why I’m telling you we’ve discovered a way to treat and reverse disease.

It’s not a myth, a pipe dream or a mere curiosity.

But try getting a straight answer from the media.

The true potential behind this discovery is constantly being covered up and denied.

More on that in a minute.

First, I want to share with you the second part of the good news.

Now You Have a Way of Reactivating
The hTERT Code in YOUR Cells

The discovery that made this new therapy possible was the very discovery that I told you about that won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2009. Now, I’ve been testing these very same techniques with a select group of my own patients for three years.

With the first “activator” designed to turn on your fountain of youth gene, we’ve helped an elite group of patients “grow younger” as they age.

I call them “elite” because the cost of this therapy was VERY expensive when it first became available. I had high-level politicians, Hollywood stars, real estate tycoons and famous doctors coming to my clinic for this first-ever age-reversing therapy.

During the course of their treatment, we saw remarkable changes. Changes like:

  • Incredibly fast and longer-lasting fat loss…
  • Sharper eyesight and improved vision…
  • Thin, greying hair turning black and lustrous…
  • Increased muscle mass and increased testosterone…
  • Bigger lung volume, with increased endurance and oxygen delivery…
  • Elimination of joint pain and improved flexibility…
  • Easing depression with a brighter, more positive mood, and an overwhelming sense of optimism…

I want you to know there are clinically proven ways for you to start making these changes in your own body.

And unlike the original trials it won’t cost you a fortune.

You see, the first generation of this age-reversing formula was just for the very wealthy. But with new research, I have uncovered more affordable ways of reactivating this fountain of youth gene.

I’d Like to Get This Vital Discovery in

As soon as I started seeing the age-reversing, disease-fighting results in my own patients, I put the formula into a 5-volume series of special reports I’d like to give you RIGHT NOW.

And it won’t cost you a dime.

This special series takes you deep into the hushed-up world of a new technology that restores youthful vitality and puts an end to chronic disease.

But you don’t have to wait years — or decades — for the keys to reactivate this sleeping youth gene.

You can get started right away.

In my first volume, Telomere Secrets, Volume 1: Activate the Enzyme that Rebuilds Your Telomeres I’ll give you the exclusive list of nutrients with this newly-discovered ability that activate this revolutionary gene.

These are the nutrients that when used in combination, help activate the telomerase enzyme. This is the “switch” Dr. DePinho used to make old mice young again.

And you don’t need a prescription or a doctor’s visit, either. I’ll show you the exact formula along with the studies, and references featured in some of the leading medical journals of our time.

The very same studies the FDA wants you to believe don’t exist!

But there’s more to the story.

In other volumes of this exclusive series, I’ll show you how to use this technology to restore and address SPECIFIC health concerns.

Here’s what you’ll discover:

Reverse “Shrinkage” and Restore Your Aging Brain

Until recently, no conventional doctor in their right mind would ever imagine a researcher could “regrow” a brain. It goes against everything modern medicine supposedly knows about what’s possible and what isn’t.

In fact, your brain is actually “programmed” to shrink, shrivel and deteriorate.

And that sets the stage for all the mental problems we associate with old age, like memory loss, dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Yet when Dr. DePinho “switched on” the enzyme that rebuilds the telomere, known as telomerase, the shrunken, atrophied brains in the aging mice returned to full size in a matter of weeks.[2]

Check out these pictures.

The brain on the left comes from the group of old mice.

The loss of brain volume or “shrinkage,” which happens naturally as you get older is obvious.

The brain on the left is clearly smaller, more narrow and weighs less.

The brain on the right is from the same group of old mice… but this one was “regrown” by rebuilding the telomere and making it longer.

Now for the first time, you have the potential to avoid the painful and debilitating loss of cognitive function by restoring the youthful characteristics of your own brain.

Today, this “miraculous” event is not only doable, it’s something you can actively pursue yourself. Given the right nutrients, you can start the process of regenerating your aging brain.

All you need are the easy-to-follow strategies for repairing your aging brain in my special report, Telomere Secrets, Volume 2: Upgrade to a Smarter, Faster Brain.

In this report, you’ll have complete access to the simple system I developed for my own patients to help them preserve their telomeres and restore the power of a younger, more active brain.

Short Telomeres Make You a Target
for Heart Disease

The length of your telomeres also determines the strength of your heart, the quality of your blood pressure, the health of your blood vessels, and your risk for “hardening of the arteries.”

And when researchers investigated the first long-term connection between telomeres and heart health, the results were clear and conclusive.[3]

Published in the journal Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, the team of doctors at a research hospital in Denmark followed almost 20,000 people for 19 years.

The people with short telomeres had:

  • 50% increased risk of heart attack
  • 25% increased risk of early death

Another study, published in the same journal, found an alarming increase in heart attack risk… this time, people with short telomeres had an increased risk between 280% and 320%! [4]

These newly-reported results confirm what we now consider a FACT: Shorter telomeres make you a target for heart disease.

In my 3rd special report, Telomere Secrets, Volume 3: Rejuvenate Your Aging Heart, I’ll show you the telomere-boosting therapy you can use on your own, without a prescription or permission from your cardiologist… even if you’ve already suffered from a heart attack.

It’s safe, natural and works at a cellular level to restore all the characteristics of a youthful heart.

I’ve been using with this therapy with my own patients for over three years, and in my own clinical files, I’ve recorded results like:

  • Lowering high blood pressure and keeping it in normal range…
  • The reversal of congestive heart failure with improved “ejection fraction,” the measure of your heart’s pumping power…
  • Accelerating the healing process for patients recovering from a heart attack…
  • Repairing the flexibility of blood vessels and reducing the level of plaque build up…
  • Improving circulation, physical performance and overall energy levels…

This Unseen Enemy “Burns” Your
Telomeres at an Alarming Rate

For years, doctors in the know have warned their patients about the causes of chronic inflammation like smoking, environmental toxins, and processed foods.

But the newest research suggests that short telomeres are the ultimate trigger for inflammation, which is the real culprit behind heart disease, diabetes and even Alzheimer’s.

And get this … we’ve discovered how to control that process and I’m going to show you exactly how to do it. So now, by maintaining the length of your telomeres, you can reverse inflammation and prevent — and possibly REVERSE — those chronic diseases.

A new, compelling study from the University of California at San Francisco gives us clear evidence that telomere length is the key. It determines your risk and severity of the disease of inflammation.

Researchers discovered that people with short telomeres had high levels of two factors that cause inflammation: interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a). [5]

Both IL-6 and TNF-a are known as cytokines, a group of compounds that cause chronic inflammation. But cytokines play another harmful role in your body… they block telomerase, the enzyme that rebuilds your telomeres.[6][7]

It’s like a double hit to your body. First, your tissues become inflamed. Then, your telomeres get shorter, making your cells older and weaker.

This creates a breeding ground for diseases… including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),[8] atherosclerosis, and high blood pressure [9][10] … even heart attacks.[11]

So what can you do to reverse this process, douse inflammation, and dramatically reduce your chances of disease?

Well, what if I told you there were a “drug” that dramatically reduced the risk of heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and inflammation? That it reduces the risk of all cancers by 77 percent?[12] And that it lengthens your telomeres?

In your special report, Telomere Secrets, Volume 4: Extinguish the Fire of Inflammation, I’ll show you what it is, how much you really need, and where to find the best sources. (This may be the safest, easiest, most overlooked way to switch on the telomerase enzyme, and boost the length of your telomeres!)

Longer Telomeres Erase Wrinkles and
Turn Graying Hair Back to its Original Color

By reviving your genetic coding with the latest telomere technology, you can keep that unmistakable glow that comes from having a firm skin tone, a clear, bright complexion, and natural skin moisture.

This breakthrough research can help you reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, age spots and large pores. It can even help turn your graying hair back to its original color — naturally.

Here’s proof: In a ten-year study involving 913 pairs of twins, Danish researchers discovered that the twins who looked younger than their true age had better health and longer survival rates than their older-looking siblings.

And the reason for this difference?

The twin who looked younger had longer telomeres.

In my special report, Telomere Secrets, Volume 5: Erase Wrinkles and Turn Graying Hair Back to its Original Color, you’ll discover the fascinating science behind telomeres and how they control the way you look… from your hair, skin and nails, down to the way you appear older and less attractive as you age.

You’ll learn how to protect your telomeres from sun damage and other risks. You’ll also learn how to repair your DNA, and even reverse age-related damage.

You’ll also discover how you can use it to:

  • Improve your skin tone and elasticity…
  • Eliminate wrinkles, blemishes and age spots…
  • Keep your skin soft and hydrated…
  • Prevent the sagging, thick and leathery skin that comes from sun exposure and photo aging…
  • Slow down the overall aging of your skin, hair and nails…

As surprising as this may sound to you, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

The telomere is the trigger for ALL disease.

I’ve already shown you how short telomeres can cause heart disease, dementia, Alzheimer’s, inflammation, gray hair and sagging skin.

But there are thousands of pages of research showing how short telomeres are the underlying cause for everything from diabetes to bone loss to migraines and more.

No matter what health concern you may be dealing with… telomeres hold the answer for a real cure.

How Will This New Technology Heal YOU?

In this letter, I can only scratch the surface. But just take a look at this brief sampling of research. The power of the telomere to reverse disease is simply overwhelming.

yes Reverse Diabetes: In the journal Diabetes Care published by the American Diabetes Association, researchers discovered that the telomeres of diabetics were “significantly shorter” than those without the disease.

Short telomeres for diabetics shouldn’t surprise you, but another study published in the journal Atherosclerosis found that even people who are pre-diabetic have shortened telomeres. In fact, they found that short telomeres trigger the first sign of high blood sugar.[14]

yes Fight Cancer: Dozens of studies connect short telomeres with higher risk of cancer. Here are just three:

• The journal Breast Cancer Research and Treatment published findings that breast cancer cells had shorter telomeres than normal cells.[15]

• Japanese researchers found cancers of the mouth begin in cells with short telomeres.[16]

• The British Journal of Cancer reported that colon cancer cells have shorter telomeres.[17]

yes Lose Weight Permanently and Wipe Out Obesity: The amount of fat your body stores is extremely sensitive to telomere loss. When researchers at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences looked at women over 30, they discovered that as the women got fatter, their telomeres got shorter. And the shorter their telomeres, the faster they aged.[14]
yes Strengthen Your Bones and Beat Osteoporosis: In a recent landmark study, European researchers discovered that, “clinical osteoporosis is associated with shorter telomeres.” Their study, published in the medical journal Osteoporosis International, connected short telomeres with the loss of bone mineral density, and concluded that short telomeres were an important marker of aging bone.[19]
yes End Depression and Brighten Your Mood: One of the most famous telomere researchers, Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn, released a new study showing short telomeres have a strong association with depression and can account for up to seven years of “accelerated aging.” [20]
yes Eliminate Migraines and Severe Headaches: When researchers looked at a group of women between the ages of 18 and 77, they discovered the telomeres of women with migraines were “significantly shorter” than those without migraines. And the loss of telomere length was more dramatic when the migraines started at an early age. [21]
yes Stop Hair Loss: The length of your telomeres even determines how much hair you lose (or keep) as you age. And a recent study on mice from the Journal of Cell Biology found that short telomeres damage hair follicles and prevent normal hair growth. They also discovered that when you “switch on” telomerase, the enzyme that rebuilds the telomere, the hair grew back! [22]


And That’s Just for Starters…

There’s more – much more – that I want to tell you about, and you’ll find it all in my special 5-volume series, Telomere Secrets.

Inside, you’ll find very simple and safe treatments you can use today from the comfort of your own home.

You don’t need expensive doctor’s visits, prescriptions, or physical exams – you don’t even need health insurance.

What’s more, you could save a fortune on medical bills for dangerous (and unnecessary) drugs and surgeries.

But you will have to act quickly.

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So please hurry. I have so much to share with you.

I still have a decade’s worth of discoveries that will change the way you think about your body… your medicine cabinet… and your next birthday.

But I Need to Hear from You RIGHT NOW

In this letter I introduced you to what may be the biggest health breakthrough since the discovery of penicillin.

I took you through the published research, the journal studies, and the practical steps that help you apply this telomere technology right from your own home.

And I showed you Big Pharma’s secret plot to make sure you NEVER hear about it.

Now the decision is completely yours.

I wish I could click for you, but this is entirely up to you.

Considering how much you stand to gain, I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t want to.

Don’t wait another minute. Click the link below:


I urge you to share in my latest discoveries, and take advantage of the dramatic revelations, and unprecedented breakthroughs you’ll find in your 5-volume copy of Telomere Secrets.

I’ll be with you every step of the way.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

Here’s what industry experts are saying about Dr. Sears:

“Dr. Sears blows away the conventional medical wisdom…”
-Ronald Klatz, MD, DO Founder and President, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine

“Dr. Sears has distinguished himself as a leader in the area of Anti-Aging Medicine and recently in cell and telomere biology…”
-Frederic J. Vagnini, MD, FACS; Medical Director of the Heart, Diabetes and Weight Loss Centers of NY

“Dr. Sears masterfully explains how we can flip the switches that allow access to the store of human vitality that resides within each one of us. We understood how to do this when we were young and now Dr. Sears gives us the evidence-based means to tap into our potency, strength, and stamina with intention.”
-Paul L. Hester, MD, MBA

“Dr. Al Sears really gets it. What a refreshing breath of fresh air…”
-Jonny Bowden, author, Living the Low Carb Life: From Atkins to the Zone Choosing the Diet That’s Right for You


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